Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cheers, to you, Fall.

Summer; A time of warmth, shorts, romance, sno cones, staying up late on the phone,
Spending the day with your old lover, and sneaking out.

Fall; A time of beauty, a time of new starts, fresh slates, warm scarfs, bon fires, Halloween, staying out late, spending my evenings at Starbucks drinking coffee, new love, different friends, and a different girl, with a determination to be herself again.

Hello, glorious. Hello, bright leaves. Hello, a new chance.

Hello, Fall. I will remember everything about you.

Goodbye, Summmer 2010. I will forget all of your memories.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Can you believe it?

"There are 6 billion people in the world.

Of those, there is at least one for you,
Dear reader.

Maybe you’ll meet in a quaint little coffee shop.
Or your favorite book store.

No matter what, there is someone out there,
looking for you, just like you are looking for them."