Thursday, February 10, 2011

Where is my mind?

Recently, I’ve spent most of my time alone.

Now, I very much enjoy being alone. I don’t mind it, nor do I mind being with a large group of people. The alonedom supplies tremendous thinking time for my ever wondering mind. And this great time of freedom to be myself does not make me what society calls a “loner”, it makes me an individual that is comfortable with only having their self as company.

I have spent my past few days staying up till the wee hours of the morning. While most of you are sleeping in your warm beds, safely tucked away with only your dreams to captivate your soul, I, on the other hand, am up.

I am up, thinking, reading, writing, drawing, feeding my soul with all sorts of beautiful things. This time alone makes me feel inspired. It makes me realize that I don’t need anyone but myself. And that makes me feel strong.

People fascinate me. We’re so afraid of being alone. We’re so afraid to lay awake at night with only our thoughts. We think that we desperately need somebody to constantly talk to. We don’t. You have this glorious thing inside you, it’s called your mind. And once you are used to what it does, and how it works, you can get used to being alone. You won’t be considered lonely, you might just even be happy.