Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Never Ending Story

Once upon a time, there lived a beautifully bright star. She was the “Sparkling Dimaond” of the night. People would stare up at her with wonder. “Oh! How I could be a star! A star like that one so very far away,” people of earth would say with spirits high. The star would inspire people; painters painted, writers wrote, and teachers taught about the magnificent jewel. Everyone thought that she was brightest out of all the other stars, and that she could out shine them all! They were right. This gem was a very powerful piece of cosmic dust.

Diamond was always happy. She would sing to the moon, dance around earth, and preform with the sun. But secretly, she was lonely. She wanted someone that she could call her own. Someone she could love and cherish. Someone just like her, but different enough to keep things interesting! So one day, she went on an adventure. On this trip, she found someone… a comet. He was so breathtaking with his tail of ice and colour. She knew in an instent that he was meant for her. Diamond flew over to him, “Comet, oh! What a sight you are! I’ve never met an actual comet! Please, come sing with me. Let us dance across the cosmos in our song.” The comet kept on going. He did not stop. He did not look at her. He kept going.

Heartbroken, Diamond flew home. Tears of dust flowed behind her. Then, anger hit. “Why didn’t he look at me!? I’m the Sparkling Diamond! I’m the most beautiful, talented star in the galaxy!” Star was inraged… she felt as if her very inside was about to burst. And that’s exactly what happened. Her core opened up, and exploded in just seconds. Her life as a star ended with a sudden, silent burst. But as her last moments came upon her, she felt something changing. She was changing! Her form, it was no longer a star, but a beautiful super nova. She expanded through her solar system and sprinkled stardust on everything. New stars would form in a matter of time, but time was just a number to her.

Once she finished her job spreading her dust. She disapated as a super nova, but her soul went on to another star being formed. She wasn’t as beautiful as her old self, but she was still just as bright, if not brighter. People mourned over her old body. They would miss their sparkling diamond. But now, they had a new light. A light to guide them back home. Star had learned that she was strong by herself, and did not need a comet to complete her. So she shined bright for the people that looked up at her. For she now was the “North Star.” The light that keeps us all hoping, and wishing, and bound for safety.

Call me a safe bet, I'm betting I'm not.

I need someone who will sit there and listen to my mess of memories, feelings, and problems and not judge me.