Monday, August 16, 2010

The paradise inside of your mind.

Close your eyes for a moment. Think. Focus. Concentrate. Think of the place you want to be at right at this very second. Breathe. Can you see it? That paradise inside your mind. Your eyes get heavier as your imaginary world sets in.

When I close my eyes, and think of the place I want to be right now, It's a simple beach house. Placed perfectly on the pacific coastline. I'd walk out on the deck. Look up, the stars would be bright. Practically beaming down at me. I'd look down, walk down the stairs and make my way out to the shore. The sand between my toes, the slight breeze, the gentle, soothing sound of the waves crashing. You can almost feel the salty mist hit your face.

You've almost entered the world of dreams. Sleep is only a few moments away. If you tried to open your eyes, It would feel like lifting a brick of your eyelids.

You grasp the sand in your hands, and let it trickle through your fingers, every grain of the sand feels soft and smooth. You turn, the moon is bright. Your eyes widen by it's glory. You lay back, and stare up at the sky, you pull your jacket around yourself, and close your eyes.

"BZZZZZZZ." Your eyes jerk open. The sound of your phone on your bed side table. You rub your eyes. You try to close your eyes and get the beach to come back, but it won't. You've lost a dream. It's gone.

But, it's just another beauty stowed into your mind.


  1. I just wanted you too know .. You are an incredible writer!!! You are actually the one who inspired me to start my blog and start writing ( which is one of my favorite things)
    i just wanted to let you know that... you inspired someone today:)

  2. AHHH! :D Well, gosh, thank you. :) Welcome to blogging then, stranger. You'll love it! :)

  3. :) well actually im not a stranger!! were good friends in real life ( not a stalker i promise, we actually are:D). but anyway if you have any time, do you think you could take a look at "" and just give me an opinion, i really would like one and Your my favorite blogger so>>>
