Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Take a look at me now

Summer 2010:

I grew up.
I found my passion.
I stopped biting my nails.
I changed.
I flew by myself for the first time, half way across the country.
I went to San Francisco, and found out I was meant to be there.
I figured out I didn't want to be a graphic designer.
I got close to God.
I made mistakes.
I found love.
I cussed somebody out for the first time.
I snuck out.
I sat on my roof, and almost fell off, twice.
I figured out I don't care what people think about me.
I trick or treated.
I found my true friends.
I found out my best friend was moving.
I got broken, a lot.
My parents split up.
I went on adventures.
I met more than 15 new friends.
I went to Falls Creek.
I saved 4 people.
I read 5 new books.
I started writing more.
I found myself.


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