Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"I think about more than Boys, Gossip, & Shopping"

You asked me what i was thinking right at this very second. Well, Here is your answer.

Violet Hill - Coldplay. Why am i thinking of a Coldplay song you ask your self? Well my Friend, I am thinking of this song because, it speaks to me, i've read the lyrics. It doesn't fit my mood, but it speaks to me, like a steady heartbeat. "It was a long a dark December." It was. That month was so long to me, i was waiting all that month for something that i wanted more then anything. I should have gave up. But, i was stupid, I sat around waiting, and in the end I was hurt. I don't know why i keep thinking about that one day I finally got what I wanted at the time. It's bothering me. Get out of my head.

Religion - Christ. Jesus Christ. He died for MY SINS. For the mistakes He knew that people were going to make. But, Still, He DIED on a CROSS for ME. It's truly amazing. He is amazing. I am glad HE is my Lord And Saviour. LOVE.

Video ideas - So this is pretty much ALWAYS on my mind. I never ever stop thinking about it. I guess i'm a true video geek? :) Well, i'll give you a hint of what my new videos im doing shortly are, Artsy video,& a new Music video. :)

And there you go. You wanted to know and there is your answer. Hope it's what you wanted to know. Because i am a Girl who thinks about more than...


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