Monday, April 26, 2010

No Sound But the Wind

Do you think it's ridiculous? Ridiculous, that we let a friendship go to waste? One and a half years i trusted you, you were a person i told anything and everything to. Are we gonna drop all of that? Over something so childish? I don't know. I want you in my life. It's just, i don't think you want me in yours. Maybe before, not so much now. I want to fix this. But, do you? I don't know. It's weird not talking to you. I bet you won't even ever read this. So, i guess im talking to thin air. Or, Computer waves. Whatever. I hope you do. I mean, if i text you, i don't know what to say. "Hey. I miss our friendship." Or "Hey. I miss you in general." Buh. Well i'm rambling. I wish i could have a power to fix all the things gone wrong. I wish i could make things better. But, wishes are for silly people, waiting for things that will never come true. This is my last effort. I want it to be like it was, no, not dating, but friends. Friends that cared for each other. But, with my luck, that will never happen.

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