Monday, April 5, 2010

You and Me

So basically, i have some of the most incredible people in my life. And this is just me explaining why i've kept them in my life, and why i love them.

Riley Frost: About a year and a half ago i met you. You have know idea how glad i am that i did. You helped me through so much. Thank you. My life probably would be completely different without you. You make me so happy. You're amazing. I love you.

Cailin Burks: Wooooahhh. My pretty princess. I am so so SO happy for you and you're lover. <3333 Yeah, i remember the day i met you. Kaitlyn Wise introduced us, and then we went to 5th hour.... And BANG. BESTIES. <3 You are awesome. Stay that way, kay? Thanks. :) I LOVE YOU.

Jena Pretorius: Hehehe, hello, Jen-Ha! YOU ARE A SPAZ. XD I remember the day i met you too, Cailin introduced us when i sat with you guys at lunch one day in seventh grade. Ha, you little nerd holding your binder and lunchbox. X) I love our bus rides home and i love you... And your big butt. ;)

Kevin Oliphant: Kevin! Shorty, look you were the first person i met when i moved here in sixth grade. Hahah, we were beasts. XD So you have been here with me through my spazness and weirdness. You're one of my best guy friends. I luh you, brother. XD

Shelby O'Neal: So shelby! Hai! Look, You have a very special place in my heart. You were with me the moment i got saved at Falls Creek. You went with me up to the front of the auditorium, and stayed with me. Thank you. You are legit. I love you.

Tristan Walton: What's up GIGI!! XD You will always be my gay friend. Okay? XD You've helped me alot, and i just want to thank you. I cannot believe i didn't even know you this time last year! :O So, when we climb Everest when we get older, i promise i won't kill you... I'll kill the sacrafic. *Cough Casen & Cailin* Luh you, Dad. XDDDD

I have so much more to say, about each of you. But if i did write more, it'd take up my whole blog. I love all of you. You make me, me.

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