Saturday, May 29, 2010

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon A Time, there was a beautiful princess. When she was very young a evil witch put a spell on her and locked her in a castle with no windows, colors,and any thing happy. The door to the castle was locked from the outside. One day a young prince heard about this fair maiden locked in the castle. He knocked the door in and saved her. They both lived Happily Ever After.

I don't understand why parents read stories like this to little girls. It makes them think that a prince is out there waiting to come rescue them. When I was little I remember my Mom reading a Fairytale to me. I asked "Momma, I want a prince just like that! I wanna prince that will love me forever. So, we can have a happily ever after!" My Mom should have told me there aren't princes out there. Only Boys that like to take girls hearts, Hold them, love them, then stab them. I know. I'm only fourteen. I have so much more time to find "The one." But, once again. I'm only fourteen, a stupid, silly, fourteen year old girl. And pretty much every girl my age wants a prince charming to have for her self. One to hang out with, and tell their secrets to. But, in my case. I don't think i have one. I give my heart, he looks at it, then acts like it's a rag doll and throws it away.

But, Anyways. I'm being dramatic. And this is ridiculous, we're right back where we left off.

Falling Awake.

Smile. You're with the people you love. Laugh. You're enjoying joking around with your girls. Love. You're watching them help you, and try to cheer you up. Breathe. You're Tiffany Casper. You don't need to focus on this. Don't let it bring you down. Yet, I have a heart breaking feeling inside. I know that's dramatic. But, I can't describe it any other way. I don't really know what I'm thinking.

You know how I told you that "My life was like a dream. And it can't be real." I was right. Because, nothing in my life ever stays great. Not even for a day. It always ends in a nightmare and me having to strive to make it a peaceful dream again.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Does it Always Rain on Me?

I told myself I wouldn't blog about this. But, you pissed me off so freaking much. I need to get this off my chest, you are a two faced hypocrite. You changed, you're not the same. I hate this person you have changed into. I hate you. I hate you so much, it hurts to breathe. I can't believe you. You called me a slut, a whore, a skank, a spolied brat, etc. You mocked me. You judged me and my religon, told me I was worthless, and that I don't have any talent. That I sucked at acting, drawing, and everything I do. I have never hated someone as much as I hate you. I hate you, Tristan Walton. I hate you and everything you are.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Careful Confessions

I didn't think I would let it happen again. I told myself I wouldn't let it happen. I didn't plan to fall in love with you, Again.

But, I did. Oh, Lord. I did.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nothing else could be so real

You make me happy, Whether you know it or not.

Everybody's Changing

Alright. I've been quite about this for to long. I'm getting this of my chest.

I love you. You're my best friend. But, You're ignoring me. I know, I know you're in love. But, you've got to have some balance between Love, And Friendships. I care about you so much, And i want you to be happy. I've seen the way you look at him. You love him so much, It's adorable, but so depressing at the same time. Because, I know he's all you ever wanted, he's sweet, athletic, and blah blah.

We never hangout anymore, Cause you're always with him. It hurts cause Summer is coming up, Fast, and you'll have all that extra time to spend with him. But, was I ever like this? I don't think I was. No, I'm positive I wasn't. I balanced it out nicely, Right? Buh, Cailin Burks, Please fix this? I miss my best friend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

11:11 Time to Wish.

It's 11:11. Close your eyes, clasp your hands, and focus on what you want. I know what i'll wish for. It's always been the same, and it will stay the same till it comes true.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Here Comes The Sun.

Summer. One of the few things on my mind. I can picture it now. Adventures, Sno Cones, God, San Francisco, Six Flags, Staying up late, and Midnight walks with the hot air on my bare legs. It might just be me but, I think that this Summer something amazing will happen, I have a feeling that this Summer will be one to remember for the rest of My Life on this Earth. Mhm, only 6 more days. 6 more days of blank walls, windows that are never open, annoying immature classmates, and crowded hallways. I can't wait. Summer is sinking into my mind. Pounding in my heart. And pulsing through my veins.

Summer 2010. My Escape.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm searching the stars.

Have i been blind? I don't think I have ever noticed so much about You. Or, Have I changed? Have I started to notice more about people.

Well, all I can say after noticing this is, You're perfect.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Everything's a Miracle.

I've found my home. Where i fit in. Where i can be myself. That place you ask?

The stage.

The stage, preforming, acting, singing. Tonight, while i was singing my solo in my school's musical, it hit me. I belong here. This moment was perfect, i didn't want it to end! When the curtin closed after we finished the show, i started crying, i was so happy, I grabbed my friends and we all started to cry and scream with joy. I went over to my family, they said i glowed tonight, that i looked like i was the actual character, and that I made everything look simple. Tonight was amazing, i found my place. I found where i belong.

The stage.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Oh, Lord. Things are about to get crazy...

Bring It on.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Progress. We've made progress. ^_^

Alright, so i have a feeling things are going to start getting so much better. These last weeks have been dreadful, sure. But, I think God was showing me He is in charge of my life, and He can make it a living nightmare... But, then He can make it become a Bliss faster than i ever thought was possible. Sure, My dad is in the hospital right now, But, it could be worse, I mean he's so much better. He feels so much better than he did a few days ago, It's like he was dead friday, he was lifeless, now he is full of energy and ready to be home.

The other day when i was walking into the hospital i noticed how i am so lucky. I'm lucky. I saw people dying. People hurt. People that have families, that might not be coming home. I'm Lucky. Sure, My life isn't perfect, but it could always be worse. I'm gonna look on the brightside.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Time To Breathe.

It's time to stop. Stop with the things that bring me down, That make me hold my breath.
I need oxygen. I'm suffocating.

So, I'm done. Done with You. I tried, i tried my best to be a good person and Fix It, But nope, didn't change a thing. Things will never be the same, That really hurts me. But, well, i can accept it. I'll miss the fact that i could tell you anything and that i wouldn't have to worry. But, If you won't put effort to fix it. I won't either. Fair is Fair.

So, I'm going to take a deep breath, Put a smile on my face, And keep my head held up high. Because, i realized something, I'm happy. I'm perfectly happy with this. Sure, I might miss You at times, But whatever. You live your life. And i'll live mine. You find Love. And I'll find Love. And we'll Keep Breathing.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sleepless Nights

Night. Piercing silence ringing in my ears. Tossing, and turning. My mind keeps racing. A thousand things rushing through my head. "What if...?" "How come...?" "Why not...?" Shut up. Shut up, mind. I don't want to think. I'm done with the past. The sleepless nights. I'm not going to look back. Keep my head up. I toss to my other side. The sheets are warm and comforting. I think to myself, "I'm not strong enough to not look back. To keep my head up." No. Shut up. Sleep, deep sweet sleep. I lay on my back and stare at my ceiling. "Change the subject, imagine something calming, make up a dream and go to sleep, Tiffany." I drift off, so close to that calmness. Then, my mind wakes up. Again. Rested and ready to annoy me for the rest of my night till i finally overcome it, and fall into the place where nothing matters, just sleep. But, lately i don't want to sleep. My dreams, they hurt. They bring back things i don't want to think about. The old me. The selfish me. The "Bad" me. I did things, So many things i regret. That i want to take back more than anything. I know people say you should never regret anything, but God. If they knew, they'd understand. Stop thinking. Sleep, Tiffany. Don't think. But, how can i not think? Listen to music. Unintened- Muse. Your sleep song. That should fix it. Nope, not at all. Just brings up emotions, and the past. Close your eyes, don't open them. Sleep.