Sunday, May 9, 2010


Progress. We've made progress. ^_^

Alright, so i have a feeling things are going to start getting so much better. These last weeks have been dreadful, sure. But, I think God was showing me He is in charge of my life, and He can make it a living nightmare... But, then He can make it become a Bliss faster than i ever thought was possible. Sure, My dad is in the hospital right now, But, it could be worse, I mean he's so much better. He feels so much better than he did a few days ago, It's like he was dead friday, he was lifeless, now he is full of energy and ready to be home.

The other day when i was walking into the hospital i noticed how i am so lucky. I'm lucky. I saw people dying. People hurt. People that have families, that might not be coming home. I'm Lucky. Sure, My life isn't perfect, but it could always be worse. I'm gonna look on the brightside.

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