Saturday, May 29, 2010

Once Upon a Time

Once Upon A Time, there was a beautiful princess. When she was very young a evil witch put a spell on her and locked her in a castle with no windows, colors,and any thing happy. The door to the castle was locked from the outside. One day a young prince heard about this fair maiden locked in the castle. He knocked the door in and saved her. They both lived Happily Ever After.

I don't understand why parents read stories like this to little girls. It makes them think that a prince is out there waiting to come rescue them. When I was little I remember my Mom reading a Fairytale to me. I asked "Momma, I want a prince just like that! I wanna prince that will love me forever. So, we can have a happily ever after!" My Mom should have told me there aren't princes out there. Only Boys that like to take girls hearts, Hold them, love them, then stab them. I know. I'm only fourteen. I have so much more time to find "The one." But, once again. I'm only fourteen, a stupid, silly, fourteen year old girl. And pretty much every girl my age wants a prince charming to have for her self. One to hang out with, and tell their secrets to. But, in my case. I don't think i have one. I give my heart, he looks at it, then acts like it's a rag doll and throws it away.

But, Anyways. I'm being dramatic. And this is ridiculous, we're right back where we left off.

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