Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Up in the Stars.

Alright, What are my thoughts? Well, here you go.

Falls Creek- I cannot wait to get out of Bixby. Back to the place where i feel connected with God. And gosh, I really do need to get re-connected. Falls Creek is the only place i feel like i have no problems, no worries, no drama. That place, it makes everything vanish. All you care about is your relationship with God. It's amazing. I cannot wait. 6 more days.

Summer- Um, hello. Summer, are you there? I know you're "here" but, when are you going to show up in my life? Yeah, I stay up late, sleep in, yada yada, blah blah. But, I can't feel you yet. I thought you were gonna be amazing? Yeah, not so much. So, kick it into gear. Make my summer amazing, like I thought it was going to be. Mkay?

Me- I don't know what to think about myself right now. I'm changing, i guess? Becoming me. I suppose. I don't know. I just, I don't like the same things I did a few months ago. I don't care about what people think of me. I just want to be free, and be myself. And not have to worry about anything but being myself. All, that really matters right now to me is, God, Family, Jena, Cailin, and the people I care about & Love. I could care less about the people that think negative about me.

You- Yeah, ummm. I think you know who you are. But, I still love you. And every time I get a text from you I get butterflies. I'm pathetic. I need to stop, I guess. You tell me? Please. What do you feel? I mean I NEED to know. I don't know what to think. I couldn't fall asleep for 2 hours last night because, I kept thinking of the past few months with you. Buh, I love what we have right now. And, i'm fine with it.. I suppose. Just, tell me what you think? And let me know i'm not as pathetic as I think I am for saying all this.

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