Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I somehow find You and I collide.

What do I want in a Guy. Simple question, right? Well, here is my "Simple" answer.

I want a guy that will sing me lullabies. A guy that will smile the moment he sees me. I want a guy that will be a gentleman, and treat me like the lady I am. A guy that will hold me tight in his arms when I'm upset, and hurt by the world. A guy that will always hold my hand, and make me his everything. I want a guy that's just a creative as me, or more. A guy that loves laying in the grass watching the stars. A guy that will want to kiss me. And won't make me do things I don't want to do. A guy that I can tell my secrets to, and I won't have to worry about them getting out to the public. I want a guy that will be comfortable with the silence and not have to worry about filling it with awkward conversation. I want a guy that loves God. I want a guy that will go on adventures with me, and exploring. I want a guy to be silly with, and just be goofy with and not have to worry about anything. I want a guy that I can take pictures with, and not have to worry about him being camera shy. I want a guy that wants to make something out of this short life, and he will be just as spontaneous as I am. A guy that will give me his jacket, and let me keep it. A guy that loves to smile, and will tell me his thoughts. I want a guy that will surprise me. Oh, And a guy that gives great hugs. But, most importantly, I want a guy that will love me, for me. <3

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