Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Summer 2010 List. ^_^

*Swim at night.
*Draw on the road.
*Make balloon notes.
*Get random people to sign t-shirts.
*Write more.
*Carve my name in a tree.
*Have A picnic.
*When I go somewhere in public go up to a random person and dance. X)
*Go up to a random person and say Bieber blast HA!
*Create a crazy dance move!
*Make my own language.
*Talk to strangers in my own language.
*Blow up balloons, put a message in it and hand them out.
*Blow up balloons, put a message in it and let them go in the sky.
*Set up a lemonade stand.
*Tie-Dye t-shirts.
*Splatter paint somewhere.
*Stay out late.
*Sleep in.
*Dance on a table.
*Go a whole day barefoot.
*Water fights.
* Watch the sunset.
*Watch the sunrise.
* Play in the sprinklers.
* Go to the zoo.
* Catch fireflies.
* Lay on a rooftop.
* Leave inspirational quotes in random places.
* Burn all my school stuff in a bonfire.
* Jump in the water with all my clothes on.
* Stay outside all day.
* Get a tan.
* Party it up.
* Take pictures with random people.
* Meet new friends.
* Go camping.
* Sleep under the stars.
* Camp in someones back yard.
* Sneak out.
* Make t-shirts.
*Get a bunch of people I know (like ALOT) and play a scavenger hunt in the mall. XD
* Dress up with my friends and randomly go trick-or-treating. :DD
* Go to a public place with my friends and scream as loud as I can "I WON THE LOTTERY!!"
* Play truth or dare with lots of people.
* In the middle of the night run by every neighbors houses ringing the door bell (without stopping.)
* Prank call (call pizza hut, and give them a wrong address.. or call Walmart).
* Sneak out of the house with my friends.
* Cut the power off in myhouse at night play hide and seek in the dark.
* Go somewhere public and pretend like I’m dieing, then stand up and act like it never happened.
* Try to stay up for a few days without sleeping.
* Climb a tree somewhere and spy on people walking by.
* Drop water balloons from the top of a building on people walking below.
* Try to sneak into as many movies as I can in 1 day, starting at 12AM. until 12AM the next day.
* At night sneak over to an old persons house & garden their yard, watch them come out in the morning.
* Randomly help people with their bags at a Walmart or a Store for an hour. X)))
* Draw with chalk on random persons driveway.
* Run around in the sprinklers.
* Fill water balloons with different colors of paint, post them to a wall, than pop them with darts. :D
* Try EVERY flavor at Josh’s.
* Go paint balling.
* At the mall, go in a store and put their clothes on, then pretend I’m a mannequin in the window.
* Ask to use the microphone in the store to find my mom, than instead just sing a weird song.

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