Monday, June 28, 2010

Butterflies and Hurricanes

So, I could not pick just one topic to blog about, so I picked three.

Moving- Jena, I know you don't really read my blog. So, this is pointless, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. As much as it's going to hurt me to see you leave in three weeks, I want you to go. You hate Bixby, you hate the people here. You need a fresh start, new friends, new love, a new life. It's the perfect start for a new beginning. It pains me to write all of that, cause, I wanted you to stay here with me, but that's selfish of me. You'll love California. It's beautiful. I wish I was living there, But I love Bixby. So, darling. I won't cry about this anymore, & I won't be sad. Cause, all things happen for a reason. And there's a reason you're leaving, not beacuse your dad got a job, but a better reason, one that'll help you in life, you just need to find out what it is.

Broken Friendship- I've already blogged about you. And I still feel the same way. I hate you. I'm not going to be nice with this. You've changed so much. And it hurts. I thought you were a close friend of mine? Rememeber fall break, when we just talked and talked and held hands? We loved eachother. I thought you were going to be my "Guy." Then, we dated. I never knew how annoying you were until then. We broke up, and stayed friends. That's when you changed. I would call you, and ask you to meet me. And I would vent to you, and you would try to help me, but then you just made me cry. That's when I stopped our friendship, I just acted for the next three months. For Cailin and Jena. They both adore you. But, I see right through your mask. They haven't seen the "Mean side" of you. We tried to hangout together before I went to camp, we sat there acted like friends, joked around, then it went silent. We both remembered what had happened. And I told you bye, little did you know that I ment bye, for good. I'm done with you. You're dead to me.

Love- You don't have to be my "perfect guy" You don't have to accept my faith. You don't have to change. I love you just the way you are. You're perfect in my eyes. You're the only person I couldn't live without. Everytime I see you, hear your name, text you, I smile. You make me so happy. You're the only person I've ever loved whole heartedly. And that's something. I can be goofy with you. And you like my weirdness. I don't have to worry about messing up or doing something stupid in front of you. Gosh. You're just amazing.

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