Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Passion Within.

Fire. There is a fire within me. Burning, pounding, spreading through my body. A burning passion, a burning passion for God.

Right now, I'm at church camp. I've changed. So much, it's crazy. I found a true and everlasting love, that will never be broken. But, I also found out that thousands of people, right at this very second, are going to Hell. Why you ask? They didn't accept the only thing to keep them out of that terrible, horrible place. They didn't accept Jesus Christ as their own Savior.

This morning I was reading my Bible and well this is what I sumed up, it's a frightening picture. God's sitting on a white throne. Earth and even the stars are gone. The dead stand before Him, about to be judged. Every sin is revealed, every mean thought and wicked act. No one passes the final test - everyone is thrown into a lake of fire. But, lucky us, Jesus loved us so much that he went to the cross to personally pay the penalty for our sins. The sins he knew that we would commit in the future. He took the judgement, that's why us believers won't be standing in front of that throne, waiting to be judged. The sins of anyone who trusts Jesus as savior have already been judged and punished, and their sin is gone.

So you see, we're at a war right now. A war to spread the gospel to as many people in order to Save people from Hell. Let them know that there is a Lord named Jesus Christ and he died on a cross for YOU. I am now a warrior of God now. I'm ready to be home and spread the word. Save people. I want to make sure that everyone is in Heaven. Safe, with the Father. For eternity. I'm ready for this war, I'm ready to spread the word. Bring it on.

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