Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's Time To Breathe.

It's time to stop. Stop with the things that bring me down, That make me hold my breath.
I need oxygen. I'm suffocating.

So, I'm done. Done with You. I tried, i tried my best to be a good person and Fix It, But nope, didn't change a thing. Things will never be the same, That really hurts me. But, well, i can accept it. I'll miss the fact that i could tell you anything and that i wouldn't have to worry. But, If you won't put effort to fix it. I won't either. Fair is Fair.

So, I'm going to take a deep breath, Put a smile on my face, And keep my head held up high. Because, i realized something, I'm happy. I'm perfectly happy with this. Sure, I might miss You at times, But whatever. You live your life. And i'll live mine. You find Love. And I'll find Love. And we'll Keep Breathing.

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