Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bliss and Beauty

The olden days. Old times. The Victorian era. Early 1900's. You can call it whatever you want, but it's an incredible era, and also my favorite.

You were born into the world of bliss and beauty. You'd grow up in an simple house, with secret doors and libraries. You wouldn't be a single child. Your older brother would chase you around your front lawn, while your mother and father drank lemonade on the front porch holding hands.
You would wear dresses with ruffles and bows, and stockings. But, secretly you'd take a pair of your brothers pants and wear them and act like a man in front of your mirror. Your mother would teach you how to be a lady, by sitting up straight, talking in complete sentences, learning to play piano, and looking people in the eye. You'd slouch and nod while she did this.

You'd be a simple beauty. Natural. No make up. Long curls that went down past your chest. With lips as red as cherries. Your father, a wise and wealthy man would see that you're a beauty and find a family for you to marry into. Little did he know you had fallen in love with the boy next door. You would sneak out at night with him and listen to him tell you stories of the places he's traveled. France, Spain, England. You would fall asleep in his arms, only to be woken by your father yelling at you about how you were foolish. You never saw your first love again.

Years passed and you were a mother of 3. Two girls and one boy. Your husband a wealthy banker. He didn't love you, and you didn't him. You went along with the fake romance to please your family. You'd spend your nights on your balcony thinking of what it could have been like, being in love, happy, in a home far away, by the ocean. You'd practically smell the salty air and feel the sand in your toes when your little girl tugged your dress. You picked her up, realizing that your children are the main purpose of your life, your only happiness. You'd tuck them in.

The children grew up and generations passed. It's now 2010. And the world is a terrible place. War, sex, drugs, alcohol, and abuse.
No sign of a simple life an outsider would think. But, you can find one. Just block out the bad. Find the good. Someone to love, friends to adore, a family that will care. Find that and you'll be in the simple life of bliss and beauty.

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