Sunday, July 25, 2010

You scream. You run.

Your feet crunch down on the leaves as you run into the darkness of the forest. Your breathing ragged, tears streaming down your face. You keep replying the memory in your mind. Your car had broken down on the empty highway, you went to look at the engine, and you look up, a dark, tall figure stands in the middle of the road. Only a few feet away from you. Their head tilted slightly to the side. They start running toward you. You scream. You run.

Now you're running through the blackness of the forest, your only light is the moon above you. Are they still chasing you? Is this only a dream? Why are they chasing you? Exactly what is it that's chasing you? You stop thinking. The only thing that matters is surviving. You're a tough girl. You can handle this. You swing to your left, you see a place to hide. You crouch down under the brush. Your eyes widen. He's here.

He walks in front of you. His boots crushing into the fallen twigs. You hold your breath. He's going to kill you. You can tell. You let your tears flow. But you don't make a sound. He walks off. You let out your breath. But you don't dare to move. He could come back. But, he's gone now. You start thinking of the idea of running back to your car and calling someone on your phone. You can still see the highway from here. You get up. You run faster then before.

You smile. You can see your car. Sanctuary. That's when you see him. He's been running beside you this whole time. You didn't notice. He tackles you to the ground and pins you. You scream. An earsplitting yelp. Why is this happening to you! You send out a silent prayer. You know it will be your last. He smiles over you. He's enjoying this. You spit at his face and cuss at him. He laughs. His laugh is full of hate and darkness. He pulls out the knife. Your life flashes before your eyes. You scream. He plunges forward. A white light becomes the only thing you see.

You jerk your eyes open. You're crying, screaming. You look around. You're in your room. It was all a dream, silly thing! You let your breath out, and stop clutching the covers. You turn to your right. But wait, what's that? The window is open? But, you shut it last night, right? You go closer, you look outside. You see on the edge of the forest, a dark tall figure. He waves a knife in the air, and turns around and walks into the darkness. You scream.

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