Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A British surprise in the countryside.

The sun beams down on the trail. You're walking along taking pictures of the beautiful English countryside. You're parents finally let you go to England to study. Something they swore that they'd never let you do. But, you. You're there. Roaming around an open field.

A breeze brushes over the grass. Your dress sways slightly. You grab your hat, thinking it'll fly away. You lay down in the middle of the field. The clouds seem closer here. Bigger, fluffier. The kind you imagined laying in when you were little. You take a deep breath. You wish you had a lover. Someone that'd tell you a story while you laid in the grass. You sigh and sit up. You look behind you. A storms coming in. And fast.

You're walking back to your car when you see an abandoned house. The kind you would imagine in a fairytale. A wooden fence wraps around the house, and flowers are everywhere. Ivy climes up the side of the house, up to the second floor. The home is made of red brick, and the windows white. You smile. The house, it's so... quaint. You walk through the gate, a little bell dings. You decide that you'll stay here till the storm passes.

Once inside, you notice that the house is well, full of furniture, you set your bag on a table. Should you leave? Someone must live here. But, the house, it seems empty. You decide to stay. You walk to the back of the house, a little library meets you, a big empty chair begging for you to sit in it. You look through the books, you see one of your favorites, Pride and Prejudice. You start reading it and walk over to the chair. You sit and read for hours.

The door squeaks open. Somebody did live here. You hide behind the door. Wait, if you hide won't that seem suspicious. But, what if they get mad that you're in there house! You decide to walk toward the door and make a run for it. Right as you get to the door, that's when you see him. He's standing in the kitchen, his dark hair wet from the rain. You stare. Forgetting about leaving. He smiles at you, and walks forward. You told him about the reason you were in his house. He tells you it isn't his, and that it's his grandmothers, and after she'd passed, he moved in. You talk for hours, you drink coffee. He tells you his name, William. He said it so perfectly, his British accent made it sound like honey. You snap out of it. You're not staying here. You can't fall in love. You thank him and make your way outside. He stops you. And stares into your eyes. You're half way out the door. He smiles and asks when he'll see you again, you tell him that you won't see him again. His smile disappears. But, only for a second. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you close. And whispers in your ear, "Remember me with this, then." He gives you the lightest, most delicate kiss. You know that you will. Always.

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