Thursday, July 15, 2010

The sweet angelic little girl, and the caring single dad

Today, I was on a flight home to Tulsa. I was trying to find an empty spot when I saw a dad and his daughter. She was sitting next to the window, She had long brown hair for her age. And a smile to die for. She was coloring in a Princess book. Her father, had short blond hair, with glasses. He watched over her with his arm around her. I wanted to take my camera out and get a picture of them. They were so, content. I got closer to the seat, I was guessing that the mom was in the bathroom or something. There were not a lot of seats left so I thought I'd ask just in case.

"Excuse me, Sir? Is that seat taken?"
"No, no! Ha, sit down."

I took my seat and started to text. I said goodbye and put my phone up. I looked over to my left, and I noticed that the little girl was peeking at me. I smiled at her.

"Hi, I'm Tiffany," I said openly. "What's your name?"
"I'm Victoria." She said giggling.
A few minutes past and I heard her talking to her dad,
"Daddy, Look at her. She's so pretty! Do you think she'll be my friend?"
I smiled slightly. And looked over at them. I was going to say something, but that's when I noticed. The father didn't have a wedding ring on. I blinked. My gaze only lasted a second. I talked to Victoria until I fell asleep.

I woke up to see her father covering her up with a blanket and gently moving a piece of hair out of her face. He whispered "I love you, Angel." At that moment I knew that Victoria was going to have the best father in the world. He cared about her more then himself. A simple moment had shown it. Victoria will grow up and she'll grow apart from him and want to be with her friends, and with boys. She'll start to wear makeup. She'll lock her door. And not talk to him, or yell at him. But, the Father will just always love her, no matter what. It was so touching. I turned to my side away from them and went back to sleep. Wishing I could have had that. I let a small tear escape. But wiped it away. No time for that. The next time I woke they were watching Nemo. The dad asked me to join them, I did. He treated me like his own. He made sure I wasn't cold, or if I needed a blanket, or a snack. He cared for me, a complete stranger, like I was his own.

I got off the plane, I was to busy texting as soon as we landed that I didn't thank him, or say bye to Victoria. And it kills me when I think that I should have. But, I'll always remember them, The sweet angelic little girl, and the caring single dad.

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