Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Simple life

Remember when you were little, and you would pretend you were in a different place, or you were a princess, spaceman, dinosaur, anything. All you had to was make up something. Nothing mattered, you could just run around outside all day, then go inside and listen to your parents tell you a story. And, you would cuddle up in your warm covers, with your favorite stuffed animal, and listen to the story, wishing you could be like the characters. Finally, you would drift off into sleep. Your parents would kiss you on your forehead, and walk out of the room, leaving the door half open, because they knew you were afraid of the dark. And when you woke up the next morning, it started all over.

I wish things were still the simple.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Idon'thaveaclevertitleforthis. Justreadit.

People absolutely fascinate me. How they can be so immature, and so two faced. It's just so, peachy. Don't you think?
Grow up. Pick a face. And stop trying to get attention.

Thank you, So much.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Butterflies and Hurricanes

So, I could not pick just one topic to blog about, so I picked three.

Moving- Jena, I know you don't really read my blog. So, this is pointless, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. As much as it's going to hurt me to see you leave in three weeks, I want you to go. You hate Bixby, you hate the people here. You need a fresh start, new friends, new love, a new life. It's the perfect start for a new beginning. It pains me to write all of that, cause, I wanted you to stay here with me, but that's selfish of me. You'll love California. It's beautiful. I wish I was living there, But I love Bixby. So, darling. I won't cry about this anymore, & I won't be sad. Cause, all things happen for a reason. And there's a reason you're leaving, not beacuse your dad got a job, but a better reason, one that'll help you in life, you just need to find out what it is.

Broken Friendship- I've already blogged about you. And I still feel the same way. I hate you. I'm not going to be nice with this. You've changed so much. And it hurts. I thought you were a close friend of mine? Rememeber fall break, when we just talked and talked and held hands? We loved eachother. I thought you were going to be my "Guy." Then, we dated. I never knew how annoying you were until then. We broke up, and stayed friends. That's when you changed. I would call you, and ask you to meet me. And I would vent to you, and you would try to help me, but then you just made me cry. That's when I stopped our friendship, I just acted for the next three months. For Cailin and Jena. They both adore you. But, I see right through your mask. They haven't seen the "Mean side" of you. We tried to hangout together before I went to camp, we sat there acted like friends, joked around, then it went silent. We both remembered what had happened. And I told you bye, little did you know that I ment bye, for good. I'm done with you. You're dead to me.

Love- You don't have to be my "perfect guy" You don't have to accept my faith. You don't have to change. I love you just the way you are. You're perfect in my eyes. You're the only person I couldn't live without. Everytime I see you, hear your name, text you, I smile. You make me so happy. You're the only person I've ever loved whole heartedly. And that's something. I can be goofy with you. And you like my weirdness. I don't have to worry about messing up or doing something stupid in front of you. Gosh. You're just amazing.

Cowboy Boots in the Summer

I daydream wayyy to much.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hello, Sunshine.

You. You give me hope. Everyday. Every moment. Every second. You give me hope that there are still people out there with kindness in their hearts, and can love, And be sweet, and care so much.

You, you're my sunshine.

When I'm having a terrible day, and all I want to do is just cry, and pout. You cheer me, you bring sunshine into my rainy day.

So, hello, my perfect sunshine.

Friday, June 25, 2010

We Will Not Grow Old

Why is everything going by so fast? It feels like it was just yesterday when I was playing on the playground back in kindergarten. Now, I'm about to go into high school. Oh God. Time, please slow down. Let me enjoy my life, slowly.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Glorious Day

Eternity: It seems crazy. I can't even grasp what eternity would even be like. Maybe, It'd be like a bliss? Always happy, and full of joy? I'm sure that's the way God has it planned. I think He would want us to be happy for all that time. Right? It's funny, people are always telling me the human brain is not complex enough to grasp the thought of eternity. We have to have a beginning, and an ending. It's insane, something that will never ever end? Wow. That's all I can really say when I think about eternity. I can't even believe what it's going to be like.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Memories Will Always Stay the Same

In the past week I have stayed up till insanely late hours of the night, and found myself sitting in front of my neighborhoods pond.

In the past week I have seen 4 shooting stars, I was to awestruck to make wishes on them. But, I did capture a memory of them that I hope will never ever fade.

In the past week I have fallen completely in love with a guy that I adore, and I can't get him out of my mind for the slightest second.

In the past week I have had 6 dreams. 4 being nightmares, 1 being a perfect bliss, and the most recent one, left me thinking about somebody I haven't thought about in 5 months.

In the past week I have started keeping a journal, (Thanks to Lexie Mumey for the inspiration.) And I have actually kept up with writing in it.

In the past week I have helped 5 people with a problem.

In the past week I have made 3 new friendships.

In the past week I have lost 2 friendships.

A lot can happen in a week. ♥

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Picture Perfect.

So. Um, well. I'm Tiffany, and I'm a person that doesn't trust many people, has made so many mistakes I can't even count all of them. I've blocked people out of my life, and won't listen to anything they say. I've broken promises. I have a fake smile. Lied straight to a person face. Made terrible choices. Broken my Friend's heart. Screamed at my parents. Doubted God, Multiple times. Told people I was fine, when I was dying inside. And they never noticed. I have a temper. And, I cry so much.

Are you sure you think I'm perfect? I'd say not. I'm the last thing from perfect.

Monday, June 21, 2010

How to Disappear Completely.

You know, I fake it oh so well,
That God himself can’t tell.

What I mean and why my words are,
Less than parallel.

With my feet,
You ask me what I need.

And all I really need,
Is to breathe.

Pour Me Out

Have you ever had that feeling, where you just feel that everything is going to change? Maybe, for good? Or, For bad? But, you can't tell yet. I walked outside just a few minutes ago, and stood in the middle of my driveway. And, I just looked up, and closed my eyes. I was hoping I could find out what's about to change. Is it me? Am I going to change? I sure hope not. I like who I am. I'm unique, I suppose. I try my best to stay different from everyone, even If that means I'm not liked by a lot of people. Or, Maybe It's a friendship. What if I'm about to lose someone? I'd hate to lose one of my friends, I care so much about each of them. I can't lose one of them. Or, maybe God is going to change my life completely. And maybe I'd like that? No. I wouldn't. At all. I opened my eyes, turned around and walked back inside. I can feel a change, and I pray to God that it'll be a good one. I'm sick of the bad ones.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Summer 2010 List. ^_^

*Swim at night.
*Draw on the road.
*Make balloon notes.
*Get random people to sign t-shirts.
*Write more.
*Carve my name in a tree.
*Have A picnic.
*When I go somewhere in public go up to a random person and dance. X)
*Go up to a random person and say Bieber blast HA!
*Create a crazy dance move!
*Make my own language.
*Talk to strangers in my own language.
*Blow up balloons, put a message in it and hand them out.
*Blow up balloons, put a message in it and let them go in the sky.
*Set up a lemonade stand.
*Tie-Dye t-shirts.
*Splatter paint somewhere.
*Stay out late.
*Sleep in.
*Dance on a table.
*Go a whole day barefoot.
*Water fights.
* Watch the sunset.
*Watch the sunrise.
* Play in the sprinklers.
* Go to the zoo.
* Catch fireflies.
* Lay on a rooftop.
* Leave inspirational quotes in random places.
* Burn all my school stuff in a bonfire.
* Jump in the water with all my clothes on.
* Stay outside all day.
* Get a tan.
* Party it up.
* Take pictures with random people.
* Meet new friends.
* Go camping.
* Sleep under the stars.
* Camp in someones back yard.
* Sneak out.
* Make t-shirts.
*Get a bunch of people I know (like ALOT) and play a scavenger hunt in the mall. XD
* Dress up with my friends and randomly go trick-or-treating. :DD
* Go to a public place with my friends and scream as loud as I can "I WON THE LOTTERY!!"
* Play truth or dare with lots of people.
* In the middle of the night run by every neighbors houses ringing the door bell (without stopping.)
* Prank call (call pizza hut, and give them a wrong address.. or call Walmart).
* Sneak out of the house with my friends.
* Cut the power off in myhouse at night play hide and seek in the dark.
* Go somewhere public and pretend like I’m dieing, then stand up and act like it never happened.
* Try to stay up for a few days without sleeping.
* Climb a tree somewhere and spy on people walking by.
* Drop water balloons from the top of a building on people walking below.
* Try to sneak into as many movies as I can in 1 day, starting at 12AM. until 12AM the next day.
* At night sneak over to an old persons house & garden their yard, watch them come out in the morning.
* Randomly help people with their bags at a Walmart or a Store for an hour. X)))
* Draw with chalk on random persons driveway.
* Run around in the sprinklers.
* Fill water balloons with different colors of paint, post them to a wall, than pop them with darts. :D
* Try EVERY flavor at Josh’s.
* Go paint balling.
* At the mall, go in a store and put their clothes on, then pretend I’m a mannequin in the window.
* Ask to use the microphone in the store to find my mom, than instead just sing a weird song.

I Wouldn't Mind.

I'm in trouble.
I'm so cliche.
See that word just wears me out.
Makes me feel like just another girl,
To laugh and joke about.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Strawberry Swing.


Nerd glasses.
Warm sunny days.
Long walks at night.
Perfectly curled hair.
Texting the person you like for hours.
Cold hands, you have an excuse for somebody to warm them.
Best friends.
Handwritten letters.
Vanilla perfume.
Flowy dresses.
True smiles.
Natural pictures.
Being barefoot.
Watching the stars.
Finding songs nobody has heard before.
Being myself.
Falling in love.
Laughing so hard you cry.
Life's simple moments.
Messenger bags.
Going on adventures.
Treating my camera like a child.
Strawberry Cream Frappuccinos.
Anything strawberry flavored actually. :)
A good tan.
Playing tag/Hide-and-seek with friends. :D
Trying to play video games with guys.
Creative people.

I could think of SO many more. But those were the ones off the top of my head. ^_^

I somehow find You and I collide.

What do I want in a Guy. Simple question, right? Well, here is my "Simple" answer.

I want a guy that will sing me lullabies. A guy that will smile the moment he sees me. I want a guy that will be a gentleman, and treat me like the lady I am. A guy that will hold me tight in his arms when I'm upset, and hurt by the world. A guy that will always hold my hand, and make me his everything. I want a guy that's just a creative as me, or more. A guy that loves laying in the grass watching the stars. A guy that will want to kiss me. And won't make me do things I don't want to do. A guy that I can tell my secrets to, and I won't have to worry about them getting out to the public. I want a guy that will be comfortable with the silence and not have to worry about filling it with awkward conversation. I want a guy that loves God. I want a guy that will go on adventures with me, and exploring. I want a guy to be silly with, and just be goofy with and not have to worry about anything. I want a guy that I can take pictures with, and not have to worry about him being camera shy. I want a guy that wants to make something out of this short life, and he will be just as spontaneous as I am. A guy that will give me his jacket, and let me keep it. A guy that loves to smile, and will tell me his thoughts. I want a guy that will surprise me. Oh, And a guy that gives great hugs. But, most importantly, I want a guy that will love me, for me. <3

Monday, June 14, 2010

Light a Way.

Now I lay me down to sleep.

I pray my heart you chose to keep.

And if I die before I wake.

All of me is yours to take.

If I don't see you again.

It'd take all I have within.

Maybe I'll just stay awake.
I think I'll just stay awake.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Passion Within.

Fire. There is a fire within me. Burning, pounding, spreading through my body. A burning passion, a burning passion for God.

Right now, I'm at church camp. I've changed. So much, it's crazy. I found a true and everlasting love, that will never be broken. But, I also found out that thousands of people, right at this very second, are going to Hell. Why you ask? They didn't accept the only thing to keep them out of that terrible, horrible place. They didn't accept Jesus Christ as their own Savior.

This morning I was reading my Bible and well this is what I sumed up, it's a frightening picture. God's sitting on a white throne. Earth and even the stars are gone. The dead stand before Him, about to be judged. Every sin is revealed, every mean thought and wicked act. No one passes the final test - everyone is thrown into a lake of fire. But, lucky us, Jesus loved us so much that he went to the cross to personally pay the penalty for our sins. The sins he knew that we would commit in the future. He took the judgement, that's why us believers won't be standing in front of that throne, waiting to be judged. The sins of anyone who trusts Jesus as savior have already been judged and punished, and their sin is gone.

So you see, we're at a war right now. A war to spread the gospel to as many people in order to Save people from Hell. Let them know that there is a Lord named Jesus Christ and he died on a cross for YOU. I am now a warrior of God now. I'm ready to be home and spread the word. Save people. I want to make sure that everyone is in Heaven. Safe, with the Father. For eternity. I'm ready for this war, I'm ready to spread the word. Bring it on.

Monday, June 7, 2010

You Found Me

God. You did give me a sign. You got me back up on my feet, and brushed me off. I never realized how good I was at pretending to be alright. These past 4 days, they were terrible. But, You. You gave me a sign, my life is just perfect. Perfectly Crazy. In every possible way. But, I love it. ♥

Friday, June 4, 2010

You've Got Me Smiling in My Sleep.

Hm. I don't have a clue what to say. Well, more like "How" to say it. So, try to understand me? What's the biggest thing I want to say. I couldn't decide what to say in general so, I decided to say the biggest thing to the three most important people in my life right now.

Cailin - The biggest thing I want to say to you is, I love you so much. I think of you like a sister. You've helped me with so much. But, Baby. I miss you. Tell Beaude he needs to share! It makes me so amazingly happy to know that your with your Beau. Ha, Beau. See what I- Nevermind. But, yeah. I'm happy for you guys. Even if that means i don't see you as much as i'd like to. Ah. I can't believe i've only known you for what? A little over what a year and a halfish? Hmmm. Crazy! I love you. So much. I'm blessed to have met you.

Jena - The biggest thing I want to say to you is, You make my life so much better then it actually is. You get me through everything. And, I mean everything. Everyday you lighten my mood. Make me smile and laugh so stinkin' much. Ha. Afternoon prickle. X) I don't know what i'm going to do when you leave.. I mean, Sure i got that sexy beast up there ^ But, babe. You don't care about my weirdness, or about how much i cry around you, or mop around. You make things better. You are a sister to me. You'll always have a very special place in my heart. Forever. I love you.

Riley - The biggest thing I want to say to you is, well, I love you, So much. But, you already know that. I got to thinking while writing this, what If I never took Drama or, had never been in the play with you, just what if I never ever met you? Would I be where I am today? Would I be the same person. I don't think I would be. You've changed me. For the better. But, at times you can confuse me more than any of life's many mysteries. Just saying the truth. But, I like mysteries. They keep me thinking. :)
I love you. And I'm blessed to have met you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Up in the Stars.

Alright, What are my thoughts? Well, here you go.

Falls Creek- I cannot wait to get out of Bixby. Back to the place where i feel connected with God. And gosh, I really do need to get re-connected. Falls Creek is the only place i feel like i have no problems, no worries, no drama. That place, it makes everything vanish. All you care about is your relationship with God. It's amazing. I cannot wait. 6 more days.

Summer- Um, hello. Summer, are you there? I know you're "here" but, when are you going to show up in my life? Yeah, I stay up late, sleep in, yada yada, blah blah. But, I can't feel you yet. I thought you were gonna be amazing? Yeah, not so much. So, kick it into gear. Make my summer amazing, like I thought it was going to be. Mkay?

Me- I don't know what to think about myself right now. I'm changing, i guess? Becoming me. I suppose. I don't know. I just, I don't like the same things I did a few months ago. I don't care about what people think of me. I just want to be free, and be myself. And not have to worry about anything but being myself. All, that really matters right now to me is, God, Family, Jena, Cailin, and the people I care about & Love. I could care less about the people that think negative about me.

You- Yeah, ummm. I think you know who you are. But, I still love you. And every time I get a text from you I get butterflies. I'm pathetic. I need to stop, I guess. You tell me? Please. What do you feel? I mean I NEED to know. I don't know what to think. I couldn't fall asleep for 2 hours last night because, I kept thinking of the past few months with you. Buh, I love what we have right now. And, i'm fine with it.. I suppose. Just, tell me what you think? And let me know i'm not as pathetic as I think I am for saying all this.